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Used Original iPhone VS New Refurbished iPhone.

Updated: Sep 8, 2018

We always heard cheap iPhone sold here and there and in some rare story we can even get iPhone X at a price of a bucket of Durian? 😁 seriously? Well here is the clear story:

New Refurbished iPhone.

"Murah" "Harga Runtuh" and many more bait used to get buyer. Its Nothing wrong actually as they try hard to sell it and earn from it. We did it last time and it works. We are not trying to become JUDGE but we only share some information to the world. Apple is a tech-giant and they always sell their product at insane price. That is their marketing strategy PRICE, they don't need to do any kind of promotion or gimmick to get buyers, why? again they use 4th suicidal marketing strategy PRICE. Only the rich can buy their product honestly with that RM5k phones? and previously when phone are supposed to sell at RM1k they did it for RM2.2K for iPhone 3gs remember? so their target market is to rich people or if im not wrong upper-class income and above.

iPhone aren't cheap actually. Fact

But we love iPhone right? we love the iOS operating system, sleek fast and smooth. We will try to get it for a cheaper price. Yes we can but at what cost?

Cheap iPhone not new. Newly refurbished yes. Refurbished iPhone are made from low quality parts for sure, if not they aren't cheap.

Newly refurbished iPhone have Pro's and Con's. It work as it is but there are at some point in the entire life of that phone there will be a bit of slacking like screen that have "ghost touch" it flickering its not magic, it just the screen/lcd that are malfunctioning because of the cheap parts installed that including batteries, camera, charging port etc. End of the day you are buying at your own risk. Repair? is the options left to get it back to normal function.

There will always a problem. Brofixit will help.

Used Original iPhone.

So we now know the story about newly refurbished iPhone. Now we talk about used original iPhone. There are lot of rich people that want to keep their image up high, for them buying new iPhone is like re-branding them self so the standard of living also maintain at high level "case study" by social experiment. Its true, these rich kids they don't keep old phone often they will put it online for sale. Get the new one and so on. So this are the type of used original phone that we are talking now. Some will come in good shape but some are not, mainly the body will have a minor cosmetic problem. But hey, its just cosmetic problem not screen, battery, charging port, camera problem. Its all original but used.

Being rich is not a crime.

So even if it used yet its original 100% from factory. In some case if you are lucky you'll get phones with a warranty left few month. Bargain.


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