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iOS 12 is Murderer?

hi, how many of us already experience fast battery drain running on ios 12?

When this guy announce iPhone, he already have a sight on solar car. Interesting.

OK. if you are using iphone 5s to 6s+ running on ios 12 chances are you gonna get an effective power sucker constantly. Like grinding the energy to its core especially when you are using some powerful apps such #waze .

How not to drain so fast? (these outdated iphone)

Well there is no right or wrong for this one.

1. Get later version of iphone (7 onwards)

2 Uninstall powerful apps

3.Minimize internet usage ( in 2019?) fun fact

4.Less brightness

5.Reduce gps usage (some apps ask for location service, kill that)

Thats all i can give, maybe many of you have a better experience can share you tips.

iPhone 10 is good already. no need 10s or 10s Max ok.

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